Time 2 Get Fit

Time 2 Get Fit

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Workout session - $30

Aerobic exercise (CARDIO) - $25
Aerobic exercise (also known as endurance activities,[1] cardio or cardio-respiratory exercise) is physical exercise[2] of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.[3] "Aerobic" is defined as "relating to, involving, or requiring oxygen",[4] and refers to the use of oxygen to meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism adequately.[5] Aerobic exercise is performed by repeating sequences of light-to-moderate intensity activities for extended periods of time.[3] Examples of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise are medium- to long-distance running or jogging, swimming, cycling, stair climbing and walking.
Strength training - $35
The five exercises of bench press, deadlift, squat, shoulder press and pull-up are commonly known as the Big 5 of strength training. Because of the adjustability of the resistance, the lat pulldown is often used instead of the pull-up.

Workouts may vary based of cilents personal goals or body limitations.
Lower body (leg day) - $30
Some call it “leg day”, others call it lower body strength training, but no matter how you slice it, exercising your lower body is vital for building a strong base for every movement.

1. Squats
4.bulgarian split squats
5.glute bridges
6.good mornings
7. Box step ups

Much more just a few of many examples of what can be done.
Butt and thighs - $30
Strengthen and tone your lower body from every angle with this amazing legs & butt fitness challenge.

All of the moves included in this challenge are bodyweight - so all you need is yourself, some motivation, and a yoga mat. Each week includes 2 total rest days, with 5 days of focused lower body work.

3-5 minutes cardio warm-up

1. Squats body weight and with weights
2. Forward to back lunges body weight and weights
Alternate legs
3.curtsy to slide lunges
4. Glute bridge
5. Inner/outer thigh machine
6. Pistol squats
12 sessions + at home workouts - $175
12 sessions + at home workouts you choose your dates and times

Free meal prep help , protein shake ideas and much more !!!
6 sessions a month - $100
6 monthly sessions call to set dates
Weight Loss Programs (12 sessions + at home workouts) - $250
12 in person sessions , at home workouts, meal prep help, water intake help , one to one video calls , daily checkin .. what’s stopping you from getting fit ?